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ni abang cleaner..i guess |
tengok tu tengok tu, dia mai daa...ape peliklah tina ni buat pasal mak cik cleaner la pulak..macam takdak benda lain dah nak cakap kat dunia ni..Awat, minat sangat ka nak jadi mak cik cleaner tina oiii!!
Dush! nyah kau dari bumi ini wahai tina-haters..hahaha
oklah Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh..tak jawab dosa, jawab sayanggg(bak kata Anwar Hadi)...
Ya! inilah post ku pada kali ini..why??kerana baru sat tadi masa aku nak pi qada' hajat + ambil wudhu' untuk solat dhuha(cee, ni pon nak bagitau) aku terpaksa berfikir 1000 kali(ok, over!!) sebab pada ketika itu, saat itu, detik itu, ada mak cik cleaner yang sangat comel tengah membersihkan toilet itu setelah ditinggalkan dua hari tidak berpenghuni...lepas dah berjanggut tunggu dan muka pon dah naik kuning tahan kencing( erk??nape kuning??.....hehehe paham2 jela), aku pon masuklah....masuk2! waahhh!!! cantiknya toilet!! bersihnya!! wanginya!! aawwww!! dan aku sempat buat tarian bhangra lagi dalam tu(ala-ala Kajol daa) rasa macam boleh bergambar dalam toilet ni kerana terlalu gumbira dengan kebersihannya.Aku pon buang saham dengan suka hati..aaaaaaahhhh legaaa....(ok! ni explicit gila! hahaha, u know me..x explicit, bkn tina la namenye)
soo..this is what i wanna talk about in this post..is it soo hard to be thankful to the cleaner ladies(hey, there are cleaner guys too!) okay2...cleaner men and ladies??instead, most of us prefer looking down on these group of people..oh yeah, now you're not admitting..let me ask you something, have you ever said thank you to any of the janitors to any toilet that you've been to??
"err, no..why should i??she's not my aunt.."
" for what???the toilet's not even clean!! she should be sacked!"
"OMG the janitor is soo creepy! he looks at me as if i'm some kinda toilet bowl to be brushed!"
"err....i've never seen or met a janitor my whole life..i prefer using my toilet at home where i'm the janitor.."
ya ya ya give me a thousand excuses more so i can throw them all up in the toilet bowl! why should you give an essay-long excuse when you can actually just say out the 2 most magical words in the world; THANK YOU...the mak cik cleaner part is your choice..i call them all makciks, regardless if they look younger than me or anything(who knows makcik cleaners nowadays could afford to buy a bottle of collagen?)
ok BM time!!!(yay! tina cakap BM, phm cket aku!
sebenarnya, aku tabik double spring kat golongan-golongan cleaner sebab berapa ramai yang nak kerja macam tu??toilet rumah sendiri pon liat nak basuh, geli lah, tak expert basuh toilet lah, macam-macamlah alasan bila mak suruh basuh sendiri...kau yang pakai gak toilet rumah tu, bukan orang lain..kau geli kat diri kau sendirilah maknanya...
cee...pandai aku buat pantun...biasalah, aku kan kawan kepada wakil pantun maktab..watahell??
pada pandangan aku, gaji golongan cleaners ni tak seberapa kalau nak dibandingkan dengan usaha dan tenaga mereka membanting tulang memegang berus dan sabun KLEEN toilet cleaners di sebelah tangan dan sebelah tangan lagi lenguh memicit hidung agar dua valves hidung tertutup daripada menghidu bau 'natural' tandas..
"Alah, bersihkan tandas je pon, buat apa nak gaji lebih-lebih!
"lepas pak guard, makcik cleaner lak nak gaji lebih...mengada-ngada je tu"
"kalau gaji cleaner pon naik, baik kite tak payah masuk kolej, moh sume pakat-pakat minta kerja jadi cleaner!"
haa.....ni sume jenis mulut mintak cili api la ni...bersih tandas je pon???amboi!! memanglah diakui bahawa kerjaya membersihkan tandas ni tak memerlukan kemahiran tinggi serta akal yang intelektual, tapi sebenarnya kalau kita lihat pada sudut yang lebih spesifik dan mendalam, sebenarnya kerjaya cleaner ni menuntut 3 perkara:
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kesian pak cik kena marah.. |
- kesanggupan/keberanian/kecekalan
- maruah
- kesihatan
haa......golongan ni sanggup dipandang rendah disebabkan oleh sistem sosial(so-sial..hahaha) masyarakat kita yang hanya memandang tinggi kerjaya professional dan memandang enteng golongan yang biasa-biasa ini..mereka ni cekal dan tabah menghadapi dugaan di dalam tandas.contohnya;
# bau orang kentut durian yang dia baham 1 guni mase lunch tadi...haa...korang pernah bau x??bau ni eksklusif hanya makcik dan pakcik cleaners saja yang pernah bau..
#bahan buangan yang tak cerna dalam mangkuk tandas..biasalah, mangkuk ayun yang buang,tak reti nak tengok...malang sekali aku banyak menghadapi babak ini..
# bau-bau selain bau durian di atas..kenapa durian special??sebab bau durian adalah bau yang terhebat di dunia ini!!!!
tambahan pula(ceewah! penanda wacana), golongan ini berisiko menghidap penyakitkelamin(watahell??)...how syahmeer how??(syahmeer how adalah kawan aku di maktab lama)
#mana tau ada gadis terberak-nak dalam tandas..dan darah dia melimpah ruah dalam tandas itu..kebetulan(kebetulan la sangat) dia menghidap penyakit HIV..tak ke mak cik tu terdedah kepada darah gadis tu ketika dia ingin membersihkan najis mutawasitah ini yang amat berbahaya?
# mana tau ada kencing tikus yang ditinggalkan oleh tikus cerdik yang sudah di potty-trained??tak ke mak cik tu berisiko mendapat virus Leptospirosis atau bahasa bayinya kencing tikus..haaa..bahaya wooo
# mana tau makcik tu boleh dapat penyakit jiwa akibat terkena panahan gas-beracun manusia yang mentekedarah rebung dan nangka sebelum tu yang extreme...seminggu bau melekat beb!
'logikkan' apa aku cakap tu?? let's cut the crap already...
We should be grateful that there are still human beings who are willing to do this 'dirty job' as you call it, who would take care of the toilet for our own comfort and cleanliness..well, a toilet is a place where we keep ourselves clean and empty our bladders..just imagine a world where everyone of us only works as doctors, lecturers and engineers, and no janitors??who would be cleaning the toilet in our offices??and who would be taking care of the cleanliness of the washrooms in the malls that we go shopping at??nobody right...so.. the toilet's going to be clean by itself..riiiiigggghhhttt..........and the toilet's going to brush its own bowl and spread bleach all over itself, by itself...riiiiggghttttt(pure sarcasm)........
to me, i take this toilet-cleaning thing as a fardhu kifayah, where if no one in the society does it, then everyone will be put to blame..you don't get it..okay...In Islam, we need to clean ourselves first before we pray so that we would present ourselves the in best way to our creator..and where exactly do we clean ourselves??toilet! aha! now you get it..BUT, if the toilet itself is not clean, how do we expect to clean afterwards..i think it only worsen things up..you were wudhu'-less before, but in the toilet, you may step onto something dirty enough to make your wudhu unaccounted for..so it's the same before and after! the same goes when you're cleaning yourself after emptying your bladder(istinjak)..if the toilet sit is as dirty as a sewer, surely you would have doubts in your mind to pray after that..i know i would..soo..if no one would wanna clean the toilet, then how are you sure that your prayers are accounted for??because being clean(bersuci) is the first step towards praying....so think about this aite??
i think i've said enough...all in all, it doesn't hurt at all to say a simple THANK YOU MAKCIK CLEANER...
"kalau makcik tu buat dek je..pandang pon x nak??"
well then, let's just assume that she's deaf and don't take it too hard..you can always smile for a change..smile is the best remedy...so smile to your ears if your mouth is too heavy to open(like someone put superglue on it)..
adik-adik...ikut akak cakap!...(sah die ni berangan nak jadi cikgu tadika..)
# bau orang kentut durian yang dia baham 1 guni mase lunch tadi...haa...korang pernah bau x??bau ni eksklusif hanya makcik dan pakcik cleaners saja yang pernah bau..
#bahan buangan yang tak cerna dalam mangkuk tandas..biasalah, mangkuk ayun yang buang,tak reti nak tengok...malang sekali aku banyak menghadapi babak ini..
# bau-bau selain bau durian di atas..kenapa durian special??sebab bau durian adalah bau yang terhebat di dunia ini!!!!
tambahan pula(ceewah! penanda wacana), golongan ini berisiko menghidap penyakit
#mana tau ada gadis terberak-nak dalam tandas..dan darah dia melimpah ruah dalam tandas itu..kebetulan(kebetulan la sangat) dia menghidap penyakit HIV..tak ke mak cik tu terdedah kepada darah gadis tu ketika dia ingin membersihkan najis mutawasitah ini yang amat berbahaya?
# mana tau ada kencing tikus yang ditinggalkan oleh tikus cerdik yang sudah di potty-trained??tak ke mak cik tu berisiko mendapat virus Leptospirosis atau bahasa bayinya kencing tikus..haaa..bahaya wooo
# mana tau makcik tu boleh dapat penyakit jiwa akibat terkena panahan gas-beracun manusia yang mentekedarah rebung dan nangka sebelum tu yang extreme...seminggu bau melekat beb!
'logikkan' apa aku cakap tu?? let's cut the crap already...
We should be grateful that there are still human beings who are willing to do this 'dirty job' as you call it, who would take care of the toilet for our own comfort and cleanliness..well, a toilet is a place where we keep ourselves clean and empty our bladders..just imagine a world where everyone of us only works as doctors, lecturers and engineers, and no janitors??who would be cleaning the toilet in our offices??and who would be taking care of the cleanliness of the washrooms in the malls that we go shopping at??nobody right...so.. the toilet's going to be clean by itself..riiiiigggghhhttt..........and the toilet's going to brush its own bowl and spread bleach all over itself, by itself...riiiiggghttttt(pure sarcasm)........
to me, i take this toilet-cleaning thing as a fardhu kifayah, where if no one in the society does it, then everyone will be put to blame..you don't get it..okay...In Islam, we need to clean ourselves first before we pray so that we would present ourselves the in best way to our creator..and where exactly do we clean ourselves??toilet! aha! now you get it..BUT, if the toilet itself is not clean, how do we expect to clean afterwards..i think it only worsen things up..you were wudhu'-less before, but in the toilet, you may step onto something dirty enough to make your wudhu unaccounted for..so it's the same before and after! the same goes when you're cleaning yourself after emptying your bladder(istinjak)..if the toilet sit is as dirty as a sewer, surely you would have doubts in your mind to pray after that..i know i would..soo..if no one would wanna clean the toilet, then how are you sure that your prayers are accounted for??because being clean(bersuci) is the first step towards praying....so think about this aite??
i think i've said enough...all in all, it doesn't hurt at all to say a simple THANK YOU MAKCIK CLEANER...
"kalau makcik tu buat dek je..pandang pon x nak??"
well then, let's just assume that she's deaf and don't take it too hard..you can always smile for a change..smile is the best remedy...so smile to your ears if your mouth is too heavy to open(like someone put superglue on it)..
adik-adik...ikut akak cakap!...(sah die ni berangan nak jadi cikgu tadika..)
(err..cleaner tu xyahlah sebut)
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JUSTICE FOR JANITORS!!apo bnyak laki je ni.. |
mmg entry ni 'lain' ckit..tp tiada y benar melainkan y benar belaka..mmg 2 lumrah org ssh nk ckp those 2 magic words..btw,kwn ngn wakil pantun maktab?(raising my eyebrow)=)hahaha
ReplyDeletehmm..tiada yg benar melainkan yg benar blake??hm...sounds familliar..
ReplyDeleteif u're thinking the pantun person tu perot, u're wrong..hahahaha..saadahla..perot kan sajak..