happy birthday to you...
happy birthday to Atina Shahida Adnan....
happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
ughh! somehow...i'm not very keen of birthdays..
OMG???atina???are u serious???birthday is like everything to everyone!
well anonymous, not me then....wanna know why??
* at the time of your birthday, all eyes are on u!-u always get the attention from almost everyone! which i am not used to...awkward.....
*u would have to think about what u wanna have for your birthday.....which is really hard for me because i am not a gadget freak! i am not brand-conscious or status conscious or whatnot...and i think what i have now is enough...soo....when my parents asked me what do i want, that would be the hardest question ever!
* birthdays mean celebration!!- the decision maker is always the birthday girl/boy-in my case, i would have to choose where i wanna eat..which is as hard as thinking about birthday presents! because....my choice would always be the last choice for my siblings..............i would go for ikan bakar, thai restaurants, somethin like that..and that is like the opposite if what my siblings like....that's why when my parents asked me the 'cepumas' question,
"so, tina..nak celebrate mane malam ni??"
i would just simply say...
"ikot korangla....."
haha a safe one...
so since this is my sweet 18th birthday..a number when almost every teenager sets as 'a step to adulthood'...i call it pre-adulthood..i would like to post something about it..
18 means...
*you're eligible to have your own ATM card..
*you're big enough to get married(haha!)
*you're allowed to watch ANY movies at the cinema(YAY!astarghfirullahalazim...)
*you're no more a school student(awww.....so sad, not!)
*you're a.....aa....umm....an 18 years old kid!!! hahaha
unlike any other of my birthdays, this time it was a full house! i have all my family members to celebrate with me...mom,dad,abang,ja and amir(just assume that you guys know them)...it means a lot to me that we all could just be together for a while...which is such a rare occasion to happen nowadays....(sigh)
we went to Seoul Garden(ayah's favourite place) a day earlier...no idea why it was a day earlier than my birthday..but hey, who cares..food knows no time and date....
these are our memories together...have a look!
mama and dada |
aii...tringin berpurdah ke tina.. |
haha. |
wah wah wah!! |
candid! =D |
aha! u guys might be wondering what i got this time....i'm telling u, it's a tough decision..[drum roll!]
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kamus BESTA MD856!! |
-HA???u got a freakin dictionary for your birthday??18th birthday?????
hey! electronic dictionary tuuu...jgn memain....
-aha aha aha aha......[monolog]skemanye budak ni...kesiannye aku kt die...
nape kau bg pandangan simpati kat aku??
-woi!! hang tau dak time umoq 18 ni la hang nk mintak kaw2 punya kt parents hang..iphone ka, ipad ka, macbook pro(sak) ka, make-up M.A.C ka, jam tangan swatch ka, keta mini cooper ka, rumah banglo ka......ni mintak kamuih buat apa??kena gelak kt orang ja...apala hang ni..dhla, aku tak nak kawan ngn hang dah...
err.....sejak bile kite kawan..kenal kau pon tak.....
hahahaha...tak kisahlah ape orang nak cakap, aku tetap aku...aku rasa syok ape dapat kamus elektronik ni..macam-macam adaaa.....MP3 ada, takwim ada, sejarah ada, chemist ada, physics ada, kamuih tok sah duk cakap ah...nak kamuih apa??english?arab??cina??semua ada...haaa...all in one ah...nk call and message je tak leh...lagipon, aku dh cakap awal-awal aku bukan minah gajet..aku tak minat i-i ni..i phone la apalah...aku dah ada phone dah...dua lagi tu...camera ade dah..laptop pon ade...jadi nak tambah barang yang ade charger, aku mintaklah kamus besta ni,sebab die ade charger(watahell?????)..haha aku gila charger...hahahaha takdak ah...gurau je..lagipon, lepas ni, tak perlulah aku membebankan tangan aku yang muscle nye dah lembik ni untuk mengangkut kamus2 tebal itu macam jentera kaut tu....sekarang, dengan adanya kamus besta ini, anda hanya perlu klik sahaja...(wow!exaggerate gila!)
anyway, THANK YOU MOM AND DAD for the awesome gift!
then...aku dapat selendang warna belang-belang biru dari adik aku, ja...wohoooo! macam tau2 je kakak dia gila gelang selendang...
soo.....setakat ni...tu jela kisah manis 18 aku.....biasa-biasa je..takde party2 macam rebecca black yang berparti setiap jumaat tu..kite sebagai umat islam perlu bersederhana..patot bersyukur yang Allah dah panjangkan umur kite sampai sekarang...sume nikmat alhamdulillah masih ade...jadi, kalau dah tiba harijadi tu, janganlah kite terlalu berseronok sampai lalai...seronok sebab nak dapat hadiah..seronok sebab ehem2 bawak kite kluar makan..seronok sebab perhatian sume kat kite...seronok sebab birthday kite ade kat reminder facebook sume orang...sebaliknya, bersyukurlah sebab Allah masih panjangkan umur kite,dan ingatlah bahawa semakin meningkat umur kite, semakin dekatlah kite dengan kematian....insyaallah, dengan peringatan yang tak seberapa ni dapat mendekatkan kite lagi pada Yang Maha Esa...aminn...
p/s: aku tak larat nak wish thank you kat sume org yang wish kat aku kat facebook...sooo...THANK YOU sume! =DDD dalam blog pon jadilah ye...sy ni pemalas sikit..hahaha
npe xmintak netbook? laptop kecik tu...bley gak install dictionary dlm tu -,-
ReplyDeletehahaha........kami bukan minah gajet ah man..tak reti bnde2 ni....lgpon, kami dh ade laptop dh..buat ape nk mintak netbook..netbook pon dh ade sbnrnye....