Last Thursday, my dad received a text saying that one of USM's student who got into an accident a few days back had passed away due to internal bleeding in the brain. It was a devastating news to my dad, even to me since I went to the hospital with him to visit the victim.. But sadly, we couldn't get in just like in a normal ward because she was admitted in the ICU because of the 'unsuccessful second operation' as the doctor had said. The still couldn't find the source to the bleeding plus half of the brain had already died so yeah, the only way she'll survive(btw, it's a SHE) is by Allah's will..
But what I would like to highlight is the severity of the injury compared to how the accident happened. Based on what her sister told us who was also one of the victims, yet she suffered none but small bruises, it was actually just a small accident, nothing disastrous nor big that could fit itself into the front paper of the newspaper, but the consequence it had caused to her sister was FATAL.
When I pondered upon this matter, I can't stop thinking about a verse in the Holy Quran, when Allah s.w.t says;
"....if He decreeth a thing, He saith unto it only: 'Be' and it is" (Surah Ali Imran:47)
".....apabila Ia(Allah) berkehendak melaksanakan sesuatu perkara, maka Ia hanyalah berfirman kepadanya: 'Jadilah engkau', lalu jadilah ia" (3:47)
Masya-Allah, maha besar kuasa Allah dalam menetapkan ajal seseorang. Maka kita ambil iktibar daripada peristiwa ni, bahawa tidak ada seorang pun, I repeat, none of us can cheat or escape death(so forget about Final Destination, it's all lies). No matter who we are, what post we hold in our career, death is certain.Mungkin jika kemalangan yang sama berlaku pada orang lain, kecederaannya kecil kerana itu takdir Allah ke atasnya. Tetapi, bukan tugas kita untuk menilik, menilai bilakah kita akan mati, bagaimana kita akan mati. Itu semua rahsia Allah.
Tugas kita adalah untuk mempersiapkan diri kita ke arah kiamat kecil itu. Tugas kita adalah untuk memastikan kita pergi dalam Husnul Khatimah(kesudahan yang baik) dan bukannya dalam su'ul khatimah(kesudahan yang buruk). Alangkah ruginya jika selama ini kita beramal tetapi akhirnya ditarik nyawa dalam keadaan kita tidak mengingati Allah, dalam keadaan kita melakukan dosa, maksiat??
So kawan-kawan, sentiasalah beristighfar agar apabila ajal kita sampai, moga-moga Allah mengampunkan segala dosa kita, dan insyaallah, dapatlah kita mengecapi nikmat terbesar iaitu untuk pergi dalam redha Allah.
"Sesungguhnya orang yang paling bijak itu ialah orang yang paling banyak mengingati mati"
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U gotta problem wimme??